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Nothing much today.

I feel like my life is partially on hold. This always happens when I prep myself for major decisions in the not-too-distant future: it isn't so much a buildup of anticipation as an attempt to not focus so much on what is potential. If that makes sense.

It's like this: I made the mistake of mentioning to friends that I'm thinking about moving. Now, whenever we hang out, they start asking me about the kinds of furniture I'm going to get and whether or not I'm going to throw house parties. Whereas, from my perspective, I don't even want to think about it more than absolutely necessary until I'm actually ready to start looking. I'd much rather deal with the options I really have than fantasize about what could be and then need to deal with unrealized fantasies.

But that also means that, until I get to the point of actually having done it, I'm really not ready to start to think of "what comes next"... which means I'm in a kind of pending state for a lot of things. At least these events are "when", not "if": I've set things up so that, even if delays occur, they will happen. That's something I'm very good at. So there's an end to the waiting period in the not-too-distant future. I just have to be patient.

On a more "responsible adult" note, I finally got my financials taken care of - the 401(k) is being rolled, I've got my IRA set up, and my SEP is in progress. I made a comment to a coworkers that it felt a little wrong to be planning for retirement when I'm only 33, but that I supposed it was the best time to make such plans. She salved my ego by insisting on seeing my license, because there wasn't any way in hell that I was over 25.

Alright, so, I can be a "looks like 25 and has 3 retirement accounts" kind of guy. Throw in the sports car with the stuffed frog in the back seat, and you've pretty much got me pegged. I even wear my sneakers with a suit and vest. Chris Knight eat your heart out.


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