If I won the lottery, I don't think I'd move to Maui.

Don't get me wrong, I love it here. I just think that a big part of what I enjoy is being on vacation here, not just being here. If I lived here, had the normal responsibilities, etc., I don't think it'd be the same.

In fact, I think the perfect life for me would be a "permanent vacation": traveling constantly, never staying somewhere more than a month or two, maybe having an apartment in L.A. to come back to once in a while. Something worth considering as I'm a week away from moving. Obviously I'm not in a position to afford such a lifestyle, but at least I know what to aim for.

Something else to think about - that really isn't the kind of lifestyle you can live when you're in a relationship.


A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Austin

I know just what you mean: in an ideal world (one where I didn't have to do laundry or carry luggage around!) I think I could happily keep moving on every few weeks or even more often.

Being on a "permanent vacation" isn't necessarily incompatible with a relationship, but you would need a partner who is either happy to do the same thing (and with whom you can easily decide where and when to go next) or else happy to stay home, as it were, and see you only once in a while. I think neither is impossible to find, but they're both fairly uncommon. I know I'm a lot happier on holiday if I only have to decide for myself what to do, rather than negotiate with someone else.

Meanwhile, I was going to wish you a happy birthday, but then I checked back to last year and found that it was actually last week - so I hope you had a good day then, or, if not, that your vacation is making up for it.

Take care


the island guy said...

I've never been to Maui yet and I live in Hawaii LOL

Hetero-Challenged said...

Your idea of a permanent vacation also applies to me, lol.

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