Everything changes

It's officially the last month of 2010. The year is winding down, and another will be starting soon. Of course, the "year end" is an arbitrary designation, but the result is more symbolic than practical anyway.

Most transitions in my life come about around February; don't ask me why, it just seems to be when major moments occur. This time, though, I seem to be stacking the deck: while some of the results won't come about until February or March, I'm building up for some significant changes here at the end of the year.

One big piece of that became official yesterday: I "passed" the last hurdle in gaining this part-time contract I'll be doing for the first 4-6 months of 2011. This is, ironically, the secondary portion of the big financial impacts in my life: a major step in the primary portion takes place tomorrow. However, regardless of how the rest goes, I'm on track for most of my plans for the new year. By the time my birthday rolls around at the end of June, I ought to be in a very good place financially (even if I'm exhausted getting there). If I get a new job that pays more than I earn now, so much the better.

Interestingly enough, having the contract position guaranteed means that I'm less nervous going into the interviews tomorrow: because I've got the guaranteed extra income, there's less riding on getting this new job. I'd still like to get it, obviously, but the pressure's gone. That's why I play the game this way: I hedge my bets, build in safety nets, so that the end result is more likely the outcome I desire.

On a separate tack - universe, I'm tired today. Not sure why. I need to make sure I go to bed a little early tonight so that I'm rested for tomorrow.

I'm officially back in World of Warcraft; I played a bit on Sunday, but not since then. As always, I managed to be online for only an hour or so before someone dragged me into a raid; I hadn't even gotten everything set up again after my long absence, but I think I did okay in general. Gamestop just billed me for the expansion I ordered ages ago, so I assume that will process through correctly and on-time.

(Random note: my desk sits against the eastern wall of the office, so that, in the mornings, the sun shines in through the window - almost floor to ceiling - behind me. Right now I have the almost unresistable urge to put my feet up and nap in the sunbeam.)

A friend of mine is getting kicked out of his rental; while he's made some stupid and probably annoying decisions, the impetus seems to be more related to some kind of mental instability on the part of his landlord than anything he's done. He's asked if I can drive the moving van when the time comes around (he has a motorcycle license but can't legally drive a car); I told him that it depends on when he needs me to do it. Knowing him, I'll get a call one afternoon with "can you come over now?" He's not exactly good at planning ahead.

Phil's gotten some good responses on his book; his agent seems to think they're almost at an offer from at least one publisher if not more. Hopefully they make it in the next few weeks; that'd be the best Christmas present anyone could get him, even if he is Jewish.

More later, maybe. I've got to get ready to tell someone he's an idiot, but in as polite a manner as possible.


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