Weekend highlights

No woman who expects a man to open a door for her is a feminist.

Straight boys are cute when they start flirting with gay guys - especially when they (the straight boys) don't realize they're doing it.

Temperature ranges should not shift 50 degrees in a matter of hours.

Dead bunnies are sad. :( (see prior line)

Explaining the general physics behind photography is very useful to laymen; jotting down equations for determining the amount of light hitting the sensor is probably pushing it.

Getting carded at the age of 33 is far less annoying but much sillier than getting carded at 23.

Fish tacos rock.

It's impossible to promote diversity without also potentiating stereotypes; the essential factor in both is recognizing differences in populations.

Getting cruised by a cute guy is a nice ego boost.

I seriously need to get a new job.


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