So, finally got my test back. 98 out of 100, with two points off for transcription errors (so I had entirely the correct logic but mistranscribed something from one line to the next).
Possibly, based on statements by the prof, the highest score in the class. And already it seems I have a reputation.
We had a quiz last night (which was easy), and after we finish the quiz, we're allowed out on break. So, a bunch of us were hanging around outside the classroom. I was talking with another guy who I've chatted with a few times; he got a 95, and I told him I got a 98, so we were joking about retaking tests and such*. A few minutes later, standing by myself, someone else I haven't talked to at all came up and said, "So, you're the curve breaker for the class I guess, eh?", smiling while he said it.
I demurred (and we're not graded on a curve, so it's not really accurate), but I was kind of taken aback. I'd only told the other guy my score, we were talking quietly, and he'd gone off to the concierge without talking to anyone else. How did this guy (and apparently others, because I got a few comments after that) know I'd done so well?
Flashbacks to high school, certainly. I'm one test into my college career (if I have one) and already facing down expectations.
Anyway, the 98 puts me above the track I'd set for myself, so I'm very pleased. Next test is in two weeks, with another quiz Tuesday and no class Thursday. I'm very comfortable at this point: starting off better than expected means having more leeway and thus even less pressure. I still need to kick butt, and I think I will, but it's a good place to be in.
The new guys in the building are back, and I helped them move a 400-lb cabinet up to their apartment (and saved them $200 or so in movers fees doing it). Was only a little stiff the next day, so yay for that.
Not sure I want to see the Stonewall movie this weekend. Have to think about it more.
* If you have missed one class or less, the Prof will let you re-take a test in the last week (post-final) of class. When I said, I got a 98, he said, "Ha, I only got a 95." I commented that it was still an A, and still pretty damned good, and he said something about it not being a 98. So I joked with him and said, "Well, maybe this'll be your lowest test score and you can retake it at the end of class." To which he laughed and replied that if a 95 was his lowest score, he wasn't retaking shit.
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