It's 11:30 pm. I have to be up in a little over 6 hours to catch my plane to Maui.
It'll be Tau day in a few minutes - tau being twice pi, or ~6.28. 6/28/2012 is also the 43rd anniversary of the Stonewall riots. It's the 93rd anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I - and, ironically, the 98th anniversary of the assassination that started it.
And, 35 years ago, the 28th of June was a Tuesday. My mom hadn't gone into labor over the weekend and was now 24 days late, so her doctor made the decision to induce labor. Tuesday was chosen because Mondays at the hospital were typically busy. A couple hours after being induced, she had a 9 lb 8 oz baby boy, whose first act upon being placed on the gurney was to pick his head up and look around the room.
"Should he be able to do that?" my mom asked.
"You cooked him an extra month," the doctor replied, "What did you expect?"
... The silly part is that the only thing being "35" brings to mind is that I'm only 2 years away from being a prime number again.
Oh well. See y'all when I'm in Maui.
There’s a Third Type of Particle and We Never Knew
14 hours ago
Happy Birthday Austin! 9.5lbs? Wow! Have a great time in Maui.
Hi there, Austin
I hope you had a good journey, and that you're now enjoying Maui. I hadn't realised that Tau day had so many anniversaries attached.
It does not surprise me at all that the first thing you did on entering the world was to start looking around. Hopefully it makes a bit more sense now :-)
Next year you'll be the product of two squares of primes for the first time.
Take care
TwoLives: yeah, I was a big baby. But, again, I was basically born a month old.
Mark: you mean two *different* primes; otherwise, 16 counts :-)
Hi there, Austin
I did indeed mean two distinct primes - it's implicit (otherwise I would have said prime^4), but I should know by now that I can't get away with such imprecision here :-)
It will take you a bit longer to reach the next prime^4...
Take care
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