Wow, it's been a while. A bit of catch-up, then.
* Job's going well. Relatively speaking, I guess. The problem I'm finding isn't that I don't get along with folks or that I'm feeling lost or useless; quite the contrary, actually. In my first week at the office, I "accomplished" a half-dozen tasks that, to me, are pretty minor and I only really did because I didn't have my computer or software set up; however, a few individuals in specific positions of power have decided I'm the best thing since banging two rocks together created sparks.
This has good points and bad points - and the bad points *are* the good points. Apparently, I've caused a minor ruckus, in that a lot of people are asking if I can help them out with things that my department chair doesn't really want me working on (yet, anyway). We'll have to see what the fallout is.
* The consulting job isn't really doing much yet. I've gotten up early a few times for conference calls, but that's about it so far. I'm not likely to see any real work from it until next month. Still, they're supposed to be paying me, so I need to find out *when*.
* Speaking of paying, apparently I make too much to contribute to a Roth IRA - which is a stunner for me, since I've never been *over* the maximums for that kind of thing. I suppose that's another good/bad thing. So, I'm talking to financial counsellors about what to do with my 401k. I need to decide pretty quick here, though.
* I gave my best friend tuberculosis. Luckily, he'd already been tested.
* Guerneville was fun. Hot-tubbing in freezing rain is fun. I need to go back again, but it'll be a while before I can take time off. Oh well.
* A friend of mine is going into a pretty major meeting tomorrow about a screen play. Hopefully it works out well for him, though I probably won't have anything I can say about it for a few weeks at best (until the contracts are signed, if they are). Still, if you believe in that sort of thing, throw whatever mojo you can his way. He needs it.
* I'm working out again - starting out slowly, as always, and trying to build up. I really ought to be watching what I eat, and I think I'll break myself back into that habit as well. With the work situation stabilizing a bit, I can start planning things like lunches better.
* I find myself searching for decent gay movies to watch. Netflix doesn't have nearly enough on instant play. Just so people don't suggest them, the ones I like (and have seen): Beautiful Thing, Trick, Get Real, Latter Days, Parting Glances, Jeffrey, The Curiosity of Chance, Shelter, "Patrick, 1.5", Camp (not really gay, but soooo gay), pretty much all the "shorts" collections out there... I think that's most of them.
... That's probably it for now. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into reading and posting regularly, or at least more often than I have been (which has been once a week at best).
Anyway, we now return you...
There’s a Third Type of Particle and We Never Knew
14 hours ago
Sounds good, mostly.
One movie not on your list that comes to mind is "Sommersturm," or "Summer Storm," about a teenager who comes to realize that he is in love with his straight best friend.
dog tags, f.a.q's, word is out, sordid lives.....
~ cheers....
Mmm, stuff to check out...
I actually bought the first season of Glee on Sunday; it's kinda fun.
Guess it's time to add to my dvd collection. Thanks for the recommendations.
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