So, just sent off my passport for renewal. It doesn't expire until May, but I have this irrational fear that I'll suddenly have somewhere awesome to go last-minute for Memorial Day and won't be able to because it'll have just been mailed off for renewal. As it is, I'm now in a low-grade stress on the (totally unlikely) possibilities of work needing me to travel somewhere in the next few weeks.
Yes, folks, this is what OCD is really like.
In other news, taxes are filed. I'm getting almost $3000 back in total, which is nice and more than pays for my birthday vacation. I'm also doing more consulting; not a huge amount, but $1500 a month or so at this point. The woman I did the huge job for a couple years ago has stated she might want to use me for a slightly-smaller-but-still-decent thing this summer, and the guy I'm doing the stats analysis for wants us to keep going at least until the end of April. Plus, I'm still doing some work for my old employer; that's mostly tapered off for the moment, but they're going to want me to help them with an upgrade in a month or two, and that's likely to be 30-40 hours of work over a couple months.
If I start getting steady enough income through consulting, say after-taxes $1000 a month or so, I may bump up my 403b contribution at work. Max for us folk under 50 is $17,500 a year; I'm at about a third of that now. I doubt I'll max out unless I start making $2k or more after taxes each month on the side; that being said, money that goes to the 403b (it's like a 401k, but for non-profits) is pre-tax, so every $100 only "costs" me about $75 out of my paycheck. Something to think about, certainly.
I also have to think about setting money aside for a new car at some point. That's a long ways off (unless someone dumps $40k or so in my lap), but it's still something to plan for.
Photos aren't selling, but hey, not too worried about that. Doesn't really cost me anything to leave them up on the site, and I keep nudging them every now and then.
I'm still working out on the rowing machine every day. I'm definitely getting results, though it's obviously slow. I've also decided that, starting in March, I'm going to try one of those beginner at-home Yoga things when I get bored/have free time/feel like it. Definitely, being able to exercise in my own time in my living room is a huge huge thing for me.
I'm also going to try to get into swimming once the weather really warms up; it's supposed to be in the 80s on Saturday, so I may see about getting in the pool a little then. I can swim - my dad never would have let me on the boat if I couldn't - but I've never really liked doing it. I think it's time to try to get over that dislike if possible. I've got swim goggles to help out.
Let's see, money, fitness... oh, yes! Cooking...
I've pretty much switched to eating at home all but one night a week. Really, that's being "forced" by my working out: I do so as soon as I get home, so I can't really stop and get food on the way home. Once I'm here, it's just easier to eat in than go out. I've gotten a little more into cooking as a result, and I've also gotten back into munching salads a couple nights a week. Eating better, combined with the workout, means that while I'm not actually losing much weight, I'm actually losing body fat slowly. So, yay for that. Plus, it ends up being cheaper, so some money saved.
This whole "being an adult" thing is a little dull, but I guess it has its advantages. Still, after writing all that crap above, I feel the irrational need to finger-paint the walls.
There’s a Third Type of Particle and We Never Knew
12 hours ago