Alright, finally got the security issues from the office sorted out; it kept blocking my login, so I could post or comment as "me" on anything.
Anyway, updates on things:
I'm going back to Maui for my birthday. I may have said that. Everything's planned out; I'm taking it easy this year, only one "trip" planned and that's a private tour so should be fun. I swear I'm going to make myself get to the top of Haleakala this time, and I'm even going to try to go up in the middle of the night to get starfield shots (assuming the weather's decent and the moon cooperates). It's hard to believe I'm going to be there in 3 weeks (from tomorrow).
Apartment is still in pending status waiting for the existing tenants to move out. That should be done in a week or so. I'm trying to plan out things like internet service, but I'm not entirely sure what all the options are. There are sites you can check for availability, but I don't entirely trust them.
The consulting job is a bit of a nightmare right now, as that's supposed to be going live the Monday I'm in Maui. It'll probably be ready by then, but we'll be cutting it a little close. However, they're driving me crazy with conference calls. I've been on calls literally every morning this week - and even with it only being a 4-day week, that's sill 7 hours of conference calls. That's ridiculous. I'm burning into "rollover minutes" on my cell plan (luckily I have thousands, so it's not costing me anything).
I'm sure things here will get far more interesting after I move in (36 days, not that I'm counting).